3 GitHub

GitHub is a developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code.

  • Why GitHub?
    • Challenges associated with Data Management: sharing data and code.
    • Simultaneous users working on the same project.
    • Sharing work in various programming languages.

3.1 Git and RStudio interaction

We can connect Git and RStudio and share our work without leaving the RStudio environment. After installing R, RStudio, and Git and setting up an account on GitHub, it’s time to enable version control for RStudio Projects.

3.1.1 Enable version control

Tools>Global Options…
Tools>Global Options…

  • For MacOS, it is typically /usr/local/bin/git


3.1.2 Start a new project

New project
New project
Choose version control
Choose version control
Choose Git
Choose Git
Copy the projects’ link
Copy the projects’ link
Insert link, check name and where to save in your computer. Click Create Project
Insert link, check name and where to save in your computer. Click Create Project