1 Welcome

Welcome to the course on Ocean Development Indicators in R. This book provides all the necessary materials and instructions.

1.1 Context

Ocean accounting provides comprehensive indicators of mainstream ocean contributions to society, and the SDG indicators can be used as a starting point for highlighting gaps.

  • Identify which indicators are available in the context of the country.

  • Transboundary cooperation (starting point looking at other countries)

  • Open and freely accessible data.

1.2 Training Objectives

  • Learn to extract, clean, and analyse UN Global SDG Database data using R and the UN SDG API.

  • Provide foundational knowledge on interacting with GitHub using R within the workshop context.

  • Enable participants to build indicators informed by global standards but tailored to their specific contexts.

1.3 Introductions

  • What is a sociologist doing here?

  • My areas of interest are 1) sociology and public health, 2) hacking and statistics, and 3) climate change and sustainable transitions.

  • The Data Science Venn Diagram

  • Participants’ names, organisations, and where they stand in the Venn Diagram.